I freely admit that I am far from a movie buff. I go to the theaters maybe a dozen times per year, if that. But recently I've begun watching more and more, and I think I'm starting to get the beginning of a feel for what makes a good film.
As Oscar season grows near, it seems like everybody goes back and catches up on the films they missed the year before. I started my personal catching up with The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was a huge disappointment. But that's a story for another post. One of my friends strongly recommended I watch In Bruges, but I was skeptical reading the synopsis. Two hitmen just...hanging out? Boooring. But how wrong I was.
The acting is absolutely marvelous all around. Colin Farrell never impressed me as much as he did In Bruges. He plays a cranky yet utterly lovable hitman trying to unwind after his first hit doesn't go as planned. Brendan Gleeson has perfect chemistry with Farrell, playing the more seasoned killer exquisitely. It is really enjoyable simply watching the two interact.
The movie has a noticeable halfway point, where Ralph Fiennes' character, who was previously only heard over the phone, makes his debut in person, to great fanfare. He really surprised me by playing a character who was neurotic and yet reasonable in the same breath. Despite being the "antagonist," you still can't help but respect him. In Bruges is a movie about shades of grey. After all, the two main characters are people who kill for money, yet they're presented as really nice, down to earth people, rather than the prototypical coldhearted assassins.
In Bruges is difficult to pigeonhole into a genre. I find it is comparable to a Coen Bros. film. The movie is violent, and filled with dark humor, but it also has a very human and touching element to it that recent Coen Bros. movies have lacked. At any rate, the movie is concise, yet wandering in its pace, and I heartily recommend it to anyone. My favorite film of 2008.
instead of studying last night i watched this. i was not very impressed
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